Storage Rooms
Giving you a large range of sizes starting at just £10 per week for customers requiring regular access to their goods.
Indoor Storage Containers
The ideal storage solutions for people not requiring frequent access to their belongings, representing economy storage.
Archive Storage
Shelved to your own personal requirements with your own key to come and go as you require during normal working hours.
Secure storage within 10 miles of Cheltenham town centre.

Storage for Cheltenham Businesses
Whether you’re planning an office move, looking to locate stock closer to your customer base or trying to find a cost effective archiving solution, we can help.
Our modern, dehumidified, walk-in storage rooms are designed to meet individual customer storage requirements.
For organisations wishing to store paperwork, we could recommend a dedicated archiving room. These are usually 5 feet wide and provided with shelving down both sides, making the most of the space available and helping to facilitate the identification of stored files and documents. Click HERE for more information.
Rooms without shelving are ideal for customers with stock overflow wishing to maximise on storage space.

Domestic Storage for Cheltenham homeowners
If you are storing short term or long term, moving house, travelling the world or just de-cluttering, we can look after your storage needs, and are pleased to provide two flexible storage systems:
Storage Rooms where regular access is required
Storage containers, a more economical solution where regular access is not required.

Storage Rooms - From as little as £10 per week
Our family run business offers a wide range of storage rooms with your own key from as little as £10 a week. These are ideal for customers who do not need a whole container, with sizes ranging from the equivalent of a telephone box, all the way up to the size of a double garage. Secure dehumidified rooms with free shelving are also available for document and archive storage. Click here for more information.
Your own key
Clean, dry individual storage rooms
Large choices of different sizes
Boxes and packaging materials available
Phone for our latest special offers including free storage, free packing materials and free collection.

Indoor Container Storage - From as little as £13 per week
Containers representing economy storage are the ideal storage solutions for people not requiring regular access to their belongings. Customers can drive their vehicle into the warehouse and load in the dry at ground level without the need of lifts and trolleys. The containers are then sealed in your presence with security clips and stacked away.
Drive in Direct to Storage point
Boxes and Packaging Available
Competitively priced storage solutions for everyone
Phone for our latest special offers including free storage, free packing materials and free collection.

Archive Storage - From as little as £10 per week
Shelved to your own personal requirements with your own key to come and go as you require during normal working hours.
Whichever solution you use, be assured your belongings will be kept in our modern warehouse, fully alarmed to BS 4737 specifications, and humidity controlled to 40-70%.
Hints and tips for trouble free storage
Before storing, please remember:
Defrost fridges and freezers
Empty washing machines of all water
Empty chip pans / fryers
Ensure all hosepipes are dry
Petrol must be removed from items such as barbecues and lawn mowers
We recommend that pictures and mirrors are bubble wrapped and boxed
Wooden furniture should be covered during transport to prevent scratches
Sorry, but we cannot store the following items:
Gas bottles, aerosols, matches, firearms, explosives
Food, drink and other perishable items